BNP outnumbered and depressed
The UAF counterdemo in Leeds was a huge success. Despite worries that exams would reduce the student turn out (it did) the trade Union delegations more then made up the numbers. More satisfying was the fact that our side was lively bouncing and loud while the master race were a depressed looking bunch of middle aged white men. Reasonable student delegations attended from Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield and leeds despite the cold and wet so the demonstration was still much much younger then the Nazi effort. The PCS came out of it particularly well having organised transport from some cities and bring a lot of its members for a working day.
The whole day seemed to highlight the fact that things don't seem to be looking good for Britains Nazis despite over a decade of "building" and some success in local elections. The fact that they can only mobalise 15o people to defend their leader is nothing short of laughable. The fact that their membership (despite claims from various "youth leader") is overwhelmingly old is also selfevident. With Griffen looking like he is going down an effective UAF campaign in the May elections really could force them back quite a way. Worth a day in the cold and wet by any accounts.