
The bickering, backstabbing and pseudo-intellectual debate of student socialism.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

A fighting NUS

At this year’s NUS conference marks a major break through for student RESPECT – we have a larger organisation, a national structure and elected officers across in Manchester, Leeds, London, Portsmouth, Plymouth and Newcastle. More over we have been key to Stop the War, UAF and free education campaigning across the country and turned a loose coalition into a radical campaigning movement on campuses.

Conference will reflect little of the politics, frustration and radicalisation of our campuses but for the first time we will be represented by a serious left in the NUS. Student RESPECT will be bringing by far the largest delegation on the left, have policy motions high on the agenda and be making a real challenge for a number of positions. None of this would be possible if hundreds of activists hadn’t devoted shit loads of time and energy campaigning for peace, justice and socialism. NUS conference may or may not be full of rightwing careerists and labour party hacks this year but the momentum we have built up means we’ll just come back bigger and stronger next year.

Student RESPECT are standing:

Rob Owen – National President
Assed Baig – National Secretary
Claire Solomon – VP Welfare
Siobhan Brown – VP Further Education

Rob Owen & Assed Baig – Block of 12


At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope this doesn't sound too weird Cliffite but could you drop me an email at (minus the nospam)

I would email you but there's no address :(

It's about some research I'm doing in case you were wondering.



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